New Field Hockey Coach

More stories from Katie Raggazino

New York Relays
April 26, 2023

    With the sad retirement from Head Coach Mrs. Sproule after the 2022 season, the Pottsgrove field hockey team became in need of a new head coach. We found out recently that Coach Sydney was selected for the job. She is coming up from the middle school and has coached just about every girl that will be playing in the 2023-2024 fall season. 

     Coach Sydney said this about her coming to coach this season, “I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my knowledge and experience of the sport to the school where I once played, and am looking forward to the upcoming season.” Sophomore Jaina Strunk said, “I am very excited and sad to be playing with all the original girls for the last time under Coach Sydney again.”

     Although Coach Sproule will be dearly missed by all, the girls are looking forward to playing this season. They are hoping to improve our record from last year and have another amazing family bond within the team.