Ideal Profession

Jade Kazmierczak

A survey was taken of the ideal profession of  9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The survey was taken by Pottsgrove High School students. Questions were targeted to more after high school jobs and careers and if they would like to attend college or trade schools. Also, if they have an idea or know what they would like to move on in life pursuing. There were 59 responses. 

   “What grade are you in?” was the first question. 47.5% which is almost half the people that answered were 11th graders, 40.7% were 9th graders, 6.8% were 10th graders, 5.1% were 12th graders. What is your favorite subject was the next question and the highest response was science, second was math tied with music and third was social studies. Which leads to the majority of people who answered the survey would like to work towards being fields of Criminal Justice, Profiler, Forensics, Paralegal, Reporter, Officer, Judge, FBI, ect. Which makes sense with science being the highest on the favorite subject question. 78% of people would like to go to college or a trade school. 

  As expected, more of the freshmen clicked, “maybe” as a result of not fully knowing who and what they want to be after highschool and a lack of classes apart from being a freshman. 70.2% of the people who answered are trying to proceed with a profession someone in their family does not currently do, which makes sense with social media having a very large spot in our lives and an open door to see what other people are doing with their lives. 22% of the people who answered the question “Was there an influence in your life on what you’d like to do? If so Who?” answered with “no”. There was a tie for second with social media and parents/guardians having an influence on what they might pursue, as well as someone in the “other” section including reading in their answer and that’s how they found their compassion for writing. 

   Out of the Pottsgrove High School students who took this survey, most would like to carry on to college and have an idea of what they would like to pursue when they graduate.