As the years go on, you may have come to find that there are fewer bees every year, this is due to a multitude of reasons which have caused the bee population to become endangered.
Why should we save the bees? Bees are an important part of our lives because without them we would lose a majority of our plant life. Bees pollinate around 75% of the world’s plants and 35% of crops like fruits and vegetables. Without bees, we would lose a great amount of food because not only are we instantly losing crops we also will slowly lose Animal life because of a drastic decrease of plant life. Scientists predict that if we were to lose the bees we would only be able to survive for about four years.
One of the main reasons the bees are dying is due to us. Due to urbanization, humans have been destroying the bees’ habitats, which they need to be protected from the elements and predators. We also use pesticides, such as Neonicotinoids, that harm bees and other insects. We aren’t the only reason the bees are slowly going extinct; however, the bees also have to deal with diseases such as American Foulbrood, which is a highly contagious bacterial disease that kills entire colonies of bees at a time. Varroa Mites are parasites that feed on the hemolymph (blood) of the bees as well as the larva.
How can we help the bees? Well to start, if you see a bee inside your home instead of killing it, trap it in a cup and bring it safely outside. You can also provide honey bee-friendly habitats in an outdoor space, such as a backyard. Another way you can help these creatures is by using nonlethal pesticides, such as (Organocide® BEE SAFE 3-in-1 Garden Spray), that aren’t harmful to bees. If you want to help the bees you can visit https://savethebees.com/ for more information and to begin to save the bees.