Covid in the USA

More stories from James Muller

Covid in the USA

As May comes to an end, the CDC (Center for disease control) announced that COVID-19 is no longer an epidemic. With new cases dropping around 100,000, the CDC has said that they will keep a close eye on covid but will no longer keep a regular track on new covid cases. but they will continue to track deaths and covid sickness that requires aid in emergency rooms. As of May 5th, 1.1 million deaths in the U.S. alone have been reported. People may be concerned that the reason the rates are low is because there aren’t any major holidays, which could cause large numbers of people to possibly get sick. The COVID-19 cases may be low right now due to windows being open and everyone getting outside to enjoy the fresh air. Hopefully cases stay down and there won’t be a new strand that sparks up a new pandemic.