Are people who participate in sports more productive and extroverted than those who aren’t?


Lauren Vaughan

An anonymous survey was conducted to create a correlation between sports, productivity and extrovertism among high school students. This survey was sent to 48 Pottsgrove high school students, of the 48, 52.1% were juniors, 29.2% were freshmen, 10.4% were sophomores, and 8.3% were seniors.

Students wrote about their involvement patterns either inside or outside of school. 77% of participants said they did sports inside and/or outside school. The good thing about having mostly juniors fill out my form is that most of them are driving, which means they can participate in more activities. When I asked about how friendly and open their self-concept is, 29.2% were on the unfriendly side and 27.1% were on the more friendly side. This piece of my results surprised me at first because I usually associate sports and extrovertism together, however I can make a more confident claim that not everyone who does sports feel as though they are friendly. 

The mean score of extrovertism and productivity in both those who do sports and don’t was three. So surprisingly enough, proving the stereotypes wrong, everyone works differently. No matter what they choose to participate in, people maintain a stagnant self-concept.