Día De Los Muertos


Lauren Vaughan

Día de los Muertos usually takes place in Mexico on November 1st and 2nd. The first day is where children’s souls figuratively “come back” and a day of celebration is performed. This celebration is for remembering a loved one’s life and commemorating one’s memories with them. Hispanics will put up an altar, a table used for the tradition, in their house. This is like saying, “Hey I remember you. I miss you.” That person’s soul will live on when their picture is put up on an ofrenda and some personal item(s) is placed there, usually items like salt are placed there, to purify the soul, baked goods that a person liked, toys, craftings, and possessions. Candles and Mexican marigolds swarm the table.

By hosting their own version of The Day of the Dead, the Spanish club intended to educate other students about Hispanic cultures and create a peaceful and fun environment for everyone. This event took place in the library on the 27th and 28th.

One important credence is “los alebrijes” which are Mexican folk carvings of spirit animals, usually depicted with combined animals. They guide the spirits of ancestors on their journey. Another is “la flor de cempasúchil,” which is a Mexican marigold. The flowers have a sweet and pungent scent and the bright colors, usually of orange and yellow, light the way for the souls. The “mariposas” which are butterflies, specifically monarchs, represent the souls of the deceased on this day. Because the beautiful, orange butterflies migrate just in time for Día de Muertos, they are seen as the souls of ancestors returning to visit the living. Mrs. Sheeler speaks in honor of the Spanish club, “We want to help people of Pottsgrove high school understand that there are different cultures. Just because they are different doesn’t mean they are wrong or weird.” Enjoy Día de Muertos everyone!