Social Media: How does it mentally affect people?

Ashley Castillo

Today, social media is used so much more than ever before. My data showed that 18 out of 20 Pottsgrove High School students had social media. Statistics show that in 2008, only 10% of the US population had any social media in comparison to 2021 which had 82% of the US population. According to, there were 223 million social media users as of 2020. As past statistics show many believe that this number will most likely continue rising each year. With social media being used too much, many people often find themselves comparing themselves to others. Data collected showed that 40% (8 out of 20 students) often compare themselves to others, while other 30% (6 out of 20) only compare themselves sometimes, while the other 30% (6 out of 20) don’t at all. 

When you compare yourself to others you are often comparing yourself to their best features, this could include body, looks, personality, money, etc. According to Psychology Today, the social media comparison theory is an idea that people often determine their own social and personal worth when they compare themselves to others. When constantly comparing yourself to others, many often can start feeling depressed and unworthy because of the feeling that they aren’t enough. The feeling of jealousy and wanting to bring another person down may also be in place, a person could be so focused on someone else that they might forget to work on themselves and want to make themselves a better person for themselves and not others. According to Ramsey Solutions, ways to help not compare yourself are taking time to focus on your own strengths and accomplishments, having boundaries, etc.