TMW Podcast Survey

February 16, 2022
An anonymous survey was conducted to get feedback on “The Music Wing Podcast.” The survey was sent to 20 Pottsgrove High School Students who recently listened to the podcast. Out of those 20 respondents, 31.6% were freshmen, 31.6% were sophomores, 15.8% were juniors, and 21.1% were seniors. To understand what the respondents enjoyed about the podcast our first question, “What do you like most about The Music Wing Podcast” was asked. Of the 20 respondents, 55.6% said energy is the thing they like most about the podcast. 33.3% said the guests were their favorite part. And 11.1% said the topics are the best part of the podcast. Contradicting the previous question, “Is there anything we can improve upon” was asked next. 27.8% of students said the length of the podcast needs to be improved upon. 16.7% said the number of guests should be worked on. 38.7% said sound needed to be improved. And 16.8% of students said they simply don’t know. To keep the flow of the podcast and make sure our conversations didn’t get overwhelmingly crowded we asked the appropriate number of guests that should be on the show. 55.6% of the population said 3 guests were best suited for the show. 5.6% said 4 guests, and 5.6% said 5 guests. And 33.3% of the listeners said 2 guests were appropriate to join in on each podcast. At the moment we have 2 guests on every podcast which tells us that nothing needs to change.
Since the podcast is all about the school musical, Beauty and the Beast, I wanted to get everyone’s opinions on the choice the school made as to what the show was this year. So, I had the respondents type out a short response of their opinions. Multiple responses argued the choice was great, while others didn’t. Ranging from “I believe it was a great choice and everyone’s part fits well,” to “I don’t even like musicals!” Rounding out the questions we wanted to see what the best way was to put out information about our podcast, so we asked “ Why did you start listening to the Music Wing?” 31.6% of the respondents answered that they found us through a friend. 26.3% said through a Schoology post they saw the podcast. And 42.4% said random answers ranging from finding it themselves to being curious. With all this information we hope to improve the podcast’s quality. Hopefully, in the near future look into a more enhanced show.