How Will Transferring Back to In-Person School Affect Students?

November 16, 2020

With COVID-19 becoming almost standard now, it is no surprise that students may soon be returning to in-person schooling. However, this could cause issues, both with the overall transfer to in-person schooling, as well as health concerns. Firstly, schools will most likely go through serious changes when students go back. According to the U.S. News, these will include “… the increased sanitization of classrooms and buses, teachers and children wearing masks and other personal protective gear, frequent temperature checks and hand-washing and new rules that allow for as much social distancing as possible.”

There are also concerns about whether in-person schooling will spread COVID-19 amongst its students. However, according to the Washington Post, “… so far there is little evidence of significant transmission in school buildings.” This may be good news, as it demonstrates that in-person schooling may not make COVID-19 cases rise more than they already are. These numbers are most likely subsided due to extra care being taken to avoid cases in schools that are already opened, as the CDC states “This may include students, teachers, and staff staying home when sick; appropriately covering coughs and sneezes; wearing masks; social distancing; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces; and washing hands often with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.”

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