Every high school has its own rendition of the tradition of the yearbook, and everyone has their tradition as well. Whether it is only getting a yearbook your senior year, or getting one every year since kindergarten to see your growth, it is no secret that a yearbook is a crucial part of a student’s life. Pottsgrove keeps this tradition special with our own student body creating the yearbook. At Pottsgrove, we have the yearbook club where students come together for a class every first period. So how do the students of Pottsgrove make this tradition?
They use a website called Yearbookavenue.com, and using this website they can create our yearbook. To divide the pages from the yearbook, they lay out what the pages are, and then in alphabetical order choose what page everyone wants to work on. After they decide who gets what pages, they have to decide on what the theme of the yearbook is. To do this, they discuss and debate what the students decide the theme should be. After the theme is set and people have their pages, they go through adding photos and quotes from whomever they need. To do this, they pick and choose the photos they want from professional photographers’ photos, and to get the quotes, they just reach out to whomever they need. While we see the yearbook as a finished product, behind the scenes there are so many working parts working so that we can have a complete yearbook.
If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, CLICK ME.
Yearbook • Mar 18, 2025 at 11:01 am
Thanks for sharing, Cole 🙂