It’s okay if you have nothing to give, spreading awareness is enough! By battling hunger and homelessness we are protecting communities who face the severest outcomes of various climate issues. Ecological issues directly affect communities with cumbersome problems like malnutrition.
In the article, “Who Does Hunger Affect?” we see, “There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Yet 733 million people still go hungry.” Crops in low-income countries like Africa, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, are prone to drought and extreme weather events like flooding which causes them to be unable to produce the amount of nourishment needed. Low-income countries are consequently likely to face food insecurity, which is, little to no access to proper food to meet survival needs.
In Pennsylvania, 460,714 people faced homelessness from July 1st, 2022 to June 20th, 2023. Pottsgrove is affected. So, Pottsgrove is hosting a Fall Donation Drive where students can give but can also support! On Friday, November 15th staff and students are encouraged to wear a red shirt as this color represents hunger! People facing hunger and homelessness are in our community right before us and everything given whether it be a household good or canned good will go directly to them, serving their needs. By participating, you will represent peers who might be facing homelessness and poverty in Pottstown, PA. The high school is looking for non-perishables, shelf-stable items, hygiene items like deodorant or toothpaste, and household cleaning items like toilet paper.
In our area, we lack homeless shelters for people to stay, and homelessness is rising! Giving back to the community is an important practice because eventually, it’ll give back to you. We fail to see those standing right next to us who might be struggling, but everyone deserves the same respect and care.