The Electoral College is inappropriate in today’s time because, with the way that the world has changed, it just doesn’t make sense anymore. The Electoral College allows for a political loophole that lets a presidential candidate become president, against the popular vote. The Electoral College is a system that calls for the creation of a temporary group of electors every four years. The number of electors is equal to the number of representatives in Congress. The first candidate to get a majority of 270 out of 538 votes wins the White House. The idea for the Electoral College originally sprouted from the debate in the Constitutional Convention about whether the president should be elected by a democratic popular vote or by Congress. The Founding Fathers and Drafters assumed that after George Washington’s unanimous election, the consequent elections would feature tons of candidates who would divide the electoral pie into tiny chunks. They did not anticipate that the moment national political parties formed, the number of presidential candidates would shrink. Determining how many electors each state was allowed was a whole other can-of-worms. This was the divide between slave states and non-slave states. James Madison knew that neither a direct presidential election nor one with electors divvied up according to white residents only wouldn’t fly in the South. Hence the “Three-Fifths Compromise”.
The Electoral College
An Opinion Piece
Brayden Comstock, Writer
May 1, 2024