Midterms Incoming!

Ryan Stoy

Midterms have finally arrived, and that means different things to everyone. For some, this may just be like any other test with minimal effort. However, for some others, this may be a big deal with a large amount of time and effort required. No matter what group you are part of, we should all know the best ways to prepare and be ready for a test, midterm or not. 


When preparing for a test, we have both academic and non-academic ways to improve our chance of success when it comes time to take the assessment. These tips were compiled for those who are trying to find ways to improve their studying. Be sure to take care of yourself and work hard for the best results!



Flashcards- Help with active recall

Writing material in your own words- Requires you to understand material enough to restate what it is

Teach Others- Finding out how to explain the material to others can promote better understanding within not only yourself, but others as well.



Get enough sleep- 8 hours

Walking away/Taking breaks- Stepping back from what you are doing may allow you to reset and refresh your mind

Staying organized- Keeping your study space clean leads to a clean, organized mind

Pace yourself