Phones in Classrooms
March 16, 2020
Between classes, during lunch, after school, before school, pride and many more periods of time allow students to use their cell phones during the school day. Even though there is so much freedom that is given to students when it comes to the area of using our phones, when the topic of during class comes up, there are many opinions.
A study at Oxford showed that students check their phones more than eleven times a day, and that’s regarding a school that doesn’t allow phones at all. Some argue that cell phones can be used as an educational tool in order to help students grow more in their ability to learn inside the classroom- but in reality, studies prove that anywhere from 25% to 80% of the one hour period given students are texting. No matter how “educational” the use of phones can be inside of the learning environment, the distraction to text, use social media, or countless other things is continually still alive and there. Oxford gives a pros and cons list when it comes to using phones in the classroom, many of which apply to Pottsgrove and the student life in the aspect that surrounds us on a daily basis.
- Providing easy access to information
- Keeping students intrigued with tech- incorporated lessons
- Supplementing students with materials.
Though there are positive aspects when it comes to incorporating phones in the classroom, there are still some negative factors:
- Distractions and interruptions
- cyberbullying/online harassment
- Cheating
Some of these cons are a touch extreme, but they are very much real and a serious issue spread among middle and high schools along the country. Another huge factor in phones being allowed in the classroom is completely surrounded by the teachers’ view. There are some teachers who allow students to have phones out and don’t have a problem with students using their phones after work is completed, or even during teaching times. Then there are some teachers who provide a phone catty for students or make sure all phones are away or else they get written up. If we are being completely honest, there are ways to hide or get around the “phone rule” despite what the teacher says; but in order to clearly hear and understand what is going on in the classroom and environment around us, staying off phones is probably the best option!