Spring Break
March 12, 2020

Spring break is right around the corner, everyone at Pottsgrove even teachers get excited when it comes to Spring break but, the downfall of it is that it isn’t very long. While it is approaching some students may start to lose motivation to do work. Spring break is a time for students to take a break and relax from all the stressful classwork and assignments that take place during the everyday school day. It is a time for faculty to take a break from students and spend time with their family. Through the years there have been Spring breaks that have lasted longer but, it is still a time to get away from all the chaos that goes on in school. Every year students get excited when it comes to any sort of break that they can get away from going to school. Spring break is also a time to celebrate Easter with loved ones, and it is a time college students get to come home and spend time with their family and friends. When coming back from Spring break some students may look at the positive side that the next break they will have is when school is done for the year and summer begins. Following students coming back from break, they will feel more energized and may have more motivation to finish the year.