Political Survey

February 28, 2020

The survey showed that out of 26 responses from Pottsgrove High School is 50% Democratic but with 26.92% of Republican, the remainder was 23.08%. Surveys show that people would lean towards Democrat which isn’t surprising. Younger generations are showing to become Democrat and will probably change once they are older. This survey was supposed to show how people lean towards Democracy and Republican and extra political questions to fully develop an understanding of the political landscape at Pottsgrove High School. 50% of people heavily agree following with a 46.15% agreed that backgrounds of a person affect how they view politically, as with the same as social media, but with a 7.69% of people that neither agree or disagree. I received people that disagree of 69.23% when asked if everyone should get involved with politics. 


Other responses I got when asked if everyone should get involved, 53.85% people believed people should look into politics and get involved. Some people believe it heavily depends on someone’s choice and certain traits they offer to the political landscape. Politics is a hard but interesting part of people’s lives in America. Some adults believe teens and young adults shouldn’t get involved or focus on politics and will only be ridiculed. People that took part of the survey believed it should depend on people’s intelligence and how much they know politically.

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