What is Art?
February 26, 2020

Art can be seen in many different forms such as dance, painting, drawing, music, and so much more. Art is a passion that most people overlook as just a mere hobby or as unimportant to society. Some people can piece their lives together through art, people can also get inspired or find themselves through art. Art is also based on how you look at it, it can be seen as a blessing to some and a curse to others. Here is how Pottsgrove thinks about art Mrs Wright says “Art is why I get up in the morning” which is a quote by folk singer Ani DiFranco. Also that “art wipes away the dust of everyday life” by Pablo Picasso. She also believes “It inspires all of us to see the world in a more interesting and positive way.” So Art is actually more impactful to society than people think it is. Art can be so much more than something you just place in a random room and forget about. Art is an amazing talent that anyone can possess if they try and see art and it’s true potential for greatness.