Doctors Say Schools All Over the United States Don’t Teach Enough Adult Skills
January 27, 2020
Many skills taught in High Schools are reported by students unhelpful. Calculus, CIvics, and other subjects students complain “won’t help us in the real world.” A Kentucky high school seniors took the opportunity to go to a conference which taught them skills like changing tires, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, and other day to day things that adults will need to know in order to succeed.
It is not only students who feel the need to have a class where they can learn other skills in. ““I saw a Facebook post that parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes and cooking,” organizer Christy Hardin told Louisville’s WAVE 3 News channel.
Students who have graduated high school have told various news channels and papers that they left high school with gaps throughout life that high school should have filled for them. There are only 17 high schools in Pennsylvania that require students to take a personal finance class, and finances are one of the biggest things that young adults need to learn and understand. Nan J Morrison is the president and CEO of the Council for Economic Education, and she calls economic and financial education classes “crucial” for students’ “financial security later in life.”
The students who went to the seminar have a Facebook page, and they posted that the students were able to “gain more knowledge and skills pertaining to their lives once they graduate from high school.”
Pottsgrove has accounting, personal finance, career exploration, and many other classes that pertain to the area of learning how to live a productive and successful life after graduating.