Is the Lockdown Official Again?

January 29, 2021

Governor Wolf has decided to have another lockdown for three more weeks. Due to this new lockdown, there are restrictions in many businesses and activities will be severely impacted. The new restrictions include restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, sporting events, gyms, school sports, and personal in house gatherings. Restaurants are required to close indoor dining, limiting them to outdoor seating only or takeout. Not all restaurants are equipped to offer outdoor dining and weather can impact those equipped for outdoor dining. I personally think this lockdown will be good for us because Governor Wolf is doing this to protect us from the Coronavirus and the lockdown is probably the best he can do right now.

Some outdoor events will still be open, but there will be a limited capacity. Some restaurants are resisting the restrictions. These restaurants are ignoring the fact that people could be in danger because of them staying open. These restaurants could face fines, citations and enforced closures. “We are not trying to be rebellious, this decision is out of survival,” said the owners of Lockport Stagecoach, an Illinois restaurant.

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