Many students here at Pottsgrove have a job outside of school, in a recent survey asked working students questions about their jobs to understand better what life is like at work for students. 30 students at Pottsgrove responded to the survey giving their feedback and out of the 30 students 90 percent work all year round with the other 10 only working during the summer months. Most students state that they enjoy their jobs most of the time and about 50 percent work with other students that go to Pottsgrove. A fact that is rather upsetting is that only 20 percent of students work a job that is tied to their future occupation. This brings up the question of why more students aren’t working in jobs that will be tied to future goals and careers. Do these jobs exist and if so, how do students get focused and connected with these occupations?? Is it because students don’t know what they want to do in the future or are there not enough opportunities for them?
This March is the perfect time to explore your options after high school, every day various schools and companies are coming out to educate students about their options after high school, such as the Automotive Training Center, West Chester University, United Postal Service, and more. During all lunch periods in room 308, various representatives come to our school to talk to students about the endless possibilities for them.
The purpose of these March Madness-style meetings is to help students expand their horizons and help them figure out their future. It will help to possibly find a job to fit their future outlooks or help students explore their options after high school, If you have any questions email Mrs. Ebert at kebert@pgsd.org for more information!